In addition to that, this program is really great if you use a computer as a music player, as it lets you control the volume using your keyboard instead of having to use the mouse.
This software will allow you to easily change the input from either using regular speakers or your headphones to your computer monitor. There are many reasons why you might want to make a Winamp 3 player part of your system, especially if you enjoy listening to music through an ear bud, or even through your headphones. I believe most users who download Winamp 3 do end up buying the full version because it is so much better than the shareware. Shareware allows the user to try the product for a short period of time, perhaps downloading and trying a few things then deciding if he wants to purchase the full version. This software can be downloaded from Winamp's website, or can also be obtained as a shareware. Winamp 3 is a good, free program just for Windows, being a part of the freeware group Audio software.